Jumat, 04 Maret 2016

Awani Studento "Experience the luxurious studying environment"

Posted By: Unknown - 3/04/2016 04:49:00 AM


& Comment

Awani Studento "Experience the luxurious studying environment"
Awani Studento
"Experience the luxurious studying environment"
- Lokasi terletak di jantung kawasan pendidikan Jatinangor UNPAD, ITB, IPDN, IKOPIN
- Akses kendaraan umum 24 jam 
- One gate system, security 24 jam, CCTV 32 titik, lingkungan hijau, lahan parkir luas
- Fasilitas lengkap: Wifi, TV Cable, Laundry, Mini market, Photo Copy Centre, Fitness Centre, Multi Media Audio Visual, Resto Cafe (CITY EDGE CAFE), Guest House
- Ruangan kamar full furnish (TV 32", AC, water heater, ranjang & kasur, lemari, meja belajar)
- Tiap gedung dilengkapi fasilitas finger scan, dapur tiap lantai (lemari es dan kompor).
- Gedung terpisah putra putri.
AWANI Studento Kost Putra Putri
"Experience the luxurious studying environment"
 Awani Studento "Experience the luxurious studying environment"

Jalan Raya Jatinangor KM 21.5, Jatinangor, Jawabarat
IMAN 0853 2144 3599
web: http://www.awanistudento.com/
Awani Studento "Experience the luxurious studying environment"

Awani Studento "Experience the luxurious studying environment"

Awani Studento "Experience the luxurious studying environment"

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